Angels dancing

…on Ramkarran’s (pin) head

Back in medieval Europe, before the triumph of reason and the scientific revolution, the fellas (and they were ALL fellas) considered to be the top “intellectuals” spent their days debating the metaphysics of their theology.

Thomas Aquinas was one of these “scholars” – they’re collectively dubbed “the scholastics” – and he pondered such deep and pressing questions as “how many angels could dance on the tip of a pin without jostling each other”. Really!!!

Scholasticism, not surprisingly, became a metaphor for pointless debate and discussion. If you read the columns of Henry Jeffrey and Ralph Ramkarran in the Stabber News (as your Eyewitness unfortunately has to do) it’ll be clear that the species is alive and well in Guyana.

These two wankers insist on spinning “what ifs” about things that never were and never will be. They obviously get that special frisson experienced by Aquinas and his band of scholastics. You can just hear their squeals of excitement as they cite each other.

Anyhow, this Sunday, Ramkarran spends a whole column on whether the PPP/C, if returned to the Presidency with a minority – will coalesce with the combined Opposition – which would then have a majority in the Assembly and the Executive!! Sure!!! Bereft of the towering intellect of Ralph “Aquinas” Ramkarran, the PPP/C is so dumb that they’ll commit political hara-kiri by arranging to be outvoted in and out of Cabinet!!

Just so you don’t miss this mental masturbation (you don’t think wanking off is pointless?? apart from that momentary thrill??), the Stabber regurgitated the entire pointless speculation as a “news article” 100 words more that the original 900-word column. The Muckraker will re-regurgitate the cud later in the week!

Now this Eyewitness isn’t even going to question the premise of Ramkarran’s assertion – that the PPP/C’s only going to be returned once again with a plurality to the Presidency. Survey-free assertions on people’s “choices” are the norm in Guyana.

He isn’t even going to question whether the PPP/C would commit political suicide – his hatred for his erstwhile comrades has obviously pushed him further into irrelevant scholasticism.

What your Eyewitness found interesting is his assumption that PNC/APNU will not be entering a pre-election coalition with AFC. Ramkarran, after all, has spent the last three years burnishing his credentials as the leader of such a coalition.

Does his speculation (promotion?) of a PPP/C coalition with the Opposition APNU and AFC separately mean that he’s been rebuffed by even Granger, Nagamootoo and Ramjattan??

If (political) death by a thousand cuts is painful, this has to be the unkindest cut of all!!

…and Granger doesn’t know about FUCOP?

Now let’s see if we can “pick sense from nonsense”, as the old heads would say, on the “Funding a United Committee for Opposition Presidency” (FUCOP) this Eyewitness has been hearing about. Some folks say that the acronym’s too scatological and open to mockery for the Opposition APNU and AFC to come up with.

Really?? Isn’t this the same folks, who facing universal condemnation for rigging elections for decades came up with a new name – PNC/Reform-1Guyana?? Which gave them the acronym PNC-R1G for the 2001 elections??!!!

FUCOP is just the last in a long line of Freudian slips by the Opposition. Remember “Committee to Re-Elect the President” – CREEP that raised money for Desmond Hoyte in 1992?? Creepy!!!

Let’s look at the facts. Election’s are gonna be held this year. APNU’s General Secretary Lt Col Harmon (retd) declared the party “broke”. Had to sell land at Sophia. And they’re gonna refuse money from Mook Lall just because he treats their inside man, Adam Harris, worse than dirt??


…and Badal for Marriott

A cruder formulation of the “angels on a pin tip” useless speculation which wankers waste their time on is “if pigs had wings….” This about sums up Badal’s chances of getting a Marriott franchise.

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